Tom Oldenburg’s top priority as Alder of Ward 2 is to keep our families safe.
Tom Oldenburg Brings Solutions to City Hall
Tom was first elected to the Board of Aldermen in 2017. Over the last five years representing the 16th ward, he has brought professional experience in both community development and public finance to the Board. Tom believes that re-investing in our neighborhoods is the first step to building a better St. Louis. Tom knows that financial security and economic prosperity help create safer communities, and with the right leadership and approach, St. Louis can accomplish both.
Tom’s top priority is to keep our families safe. Our crime crisis will not be solved with a one-pronged approach. He knows that we need a 911 system that works, a trained and supported police department that has oversight and accountability, and mental health professionals that can release the burden on our officers. Tom will continue to work with leaders across the City to implement comprehensive solutions for public safety.
Tom lives in the St. Louis Hills neighborhood with his wife Laura and their four young children.